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Prof. Leonel Morgado Steps Down from iLRN Board, Continues Active Role in the Community

Michael Hamaoka


The Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN) announces that Prof. Leonel Morgado has stepped down from his position on the Board of Directors, effective at the conclusion of our recent conference. Prof. Morgado has been a foundational member of iLRN for the past decade and has served on the Board of Directors for five and a half years, contributing significantly to our growth and success.

In his former roles as Vice-President and Director for Scientific Quality, Prof. Morgado led the successful inclusion of the annual iLRN conference in the CORE rankings and worked continuously with conference organizers to sustain and improve the scientific quality while maintaining the community and welcoming spirit of our event and organization. His contributions to the Knowledge Tree are enabling immersive learning researchers to employ solid theoretical grounding, replicable methods, and common terminology to further develop the field. 

While he is stepping down from the board, Prof. Morgado will continue to play an active role within iLRN as a member of the Steering Committee, Circle of Scholars, and Knowledge Tree. He will remain involved helping to enhance the global relevance of our field.

"I believe iLRN is poised to become a major reference organization in immersive learning research and practice," said Prof. Morgado. "By stepping down, I hope to open opportunities for other researchers to take on this role and bring new energy and ideas to our community."

We are grateful for Prof. Morgado's unwavering dedication and are delighted that he will continue to contribute to iLRN's mission. Please join us in thanking him for his service and in looking forward to his ongoing involvement.

iLRN remains strongly committed to Scientific Quality as a key value and pursuit for the iLRN community and with Prof. Morgado’s help are seeking a new Director to join our board to continue innovative and capacity building for the immersive learning sciences.


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