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iLRN2024 Proceedings (iLEAD and selected academic contributions) are now available at our Digital Library. Springer proceedings for Academic Full and Short papers will be available in the Fall. ×
  • iLRN2024 Conference Award Winners


    Academic Stream Awards

    All nominated papers underwent a blind peer-review process. Final nominees were selected by the Academic Program Chairs from those that received the best reviews and were nominated for awards by the reviewers.

    The winning papers were chosen by an independent jury panel, whose members did not participate in the initial review of the nominated papers and had no conflicts of interest. The jury panel conducted a blind review of the nominated papers, evaluating them based on their contribution, methodology, and clarity.

    Independent jury panel members voting for the Best Academic Papers (Full/Short)

    • Davide Calandra (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)
    • Francesco De Pace (TU Wien, Austria)
    • Patrick O' Shea (Appalachian State University, USA)
    • Gabriele Prattico (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)

    Independent jury panel members voting for the Best Academic Papers (Student/WIP/DC)

    • Ioannis Doumanis (University Central Lancashire, UK)
    • Daphne Economou (University of Westminster, UK)
    • Leonel Morgado (Universidade Aberta, Portugal & INESC TEC, Portugal)
    • Lorenzo Valente (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)

    We thank the independent jury panel members for their time, effort, and recommendations.


    Best Academic Full Paper Award Winners

    "Spatial Audio Cues in an Immersive Virtual Reality STEM Escape Room Game: A Comparative Study"

    • Georgios Vontzalidis (University of Patras, Greece)
    • Stylianos Mystakidis (University of Patras, Greece)
    • Athanasios Christopoulos (University of Turku, Finland)
    • Konstantinos Moustakas (University of Patras, Greece)

    Best Academic Short Paper Award Winners

    "Immersive Learning in History Education: Exploring the Capabilities of Virtual Avatars and Large Language Models"

    • Alexander Steinmaurer (IT:U – Institute of Digital Sciences Austria, Austria)
    • Andreas Dengel (Goethe-University of Frankfurt, Germany)
    • Mario Comanici (Graz University of Technology, Austria)
    • Josef Buchner (St. Gallen University of Teacher Education, Germany)
    • Josef Memminger (Goethe-University of Frankfurt, Germany)
    • Christian Gütl (Graz University of Technology, Austria)

    Best Academic Student Paper Award Winners

    "The Impact of Cognitive, Affective, and Psychomotor Learning  on Learning Outcomes in XR-based Nursing Training Simulation"

    • Yuseon Jeong (Chonnam National University, South Korea)
    • Kukhyeon Kim (Chonnam National University, South Korea)
    • Jeeheon Ryu (Chonnam National University, South Korea)

    Best Academic Work-in-Progress Paper Award Winners

    "Headgear-free 3D interactions for asynchronous, online learning experience: an exploration of design, development and integration"

    • Helen Mckenna (Imperial College London, UK)
    • Daniel Mitelpunkt (Imperial College London, UK)
    • Robyn Lowe (Imperial College London, UK)
    • David Blanco (Imperial College London, UK)

    Best Doctoral Colloquium Paper Award Winners

    "How interactivity and presence affect learning in immersive virtual reality: A mixed methods study design"

    • Nicola Fern (Durham University, UK)
    • Alexandra I. Cristea (Durham University, UK)
    • Sam Nolan (Durham University, UK)
    • Craig Stewart (Durham University, UK)

    Best Academic Presentation Winners
    Best paper presentations are voted on by the conference attendees during the conference. 

    “Preliminary Analysis of Empathy-Driven Design and Inclusive Cybersecurity Education: The Initial Phase of the uSucceed Project's Virtual Reality Curriculum for Neurodiverse Adults in STEM”

    • Noah Glaser (University of Missouri, USA)
    • Prasad Calyam (University of Missouri, USA)
    • Yupei Duan (University of Missouri, USA)
    • Shangman Li (University of Missouri, USA)
    • Shreya Sai Nuguri (University of Missouri, USA)
    • Cannon Ousely (University of Missouri, USA)
    • Anirudh Kambhampati (University of Missouri, USA)
    • Zeinab Parishani (University of Missouri, USA)
    • Amogh Chetankumar Joshi (University of Missouri, USA)
    • Mohan Yang (Old Dominion University, USA)

    Best Work-in-Progress Presentation Award
    Best WIP presentations are voted on by the conference attendees during the conference.

    "Telecommunications History Escape Room Puzzle Game: Become a Phryctoria Archmaester"

    • Chaye Foster (University of Westminster, UK)
    • Emilia Urdl (University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna, Austria)
    • Christin Steller (University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna, Austria)
    • Sabahodin Sharaf (University of Westminster, UK)
    • Ronja Rößner (University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna, Austria)
    • Stylianos Mystakidis (University of Patras, Greece)
    • Jack Ingram (University of Westminster, UK)
    • Hari Konda Ramamoorthy (University of Westminster, UK)
    • Markos Mentzelopoulos (University of Westminster, UK)
    • Kai Erenli (University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna, Austria)

    Best Doctoral Colloquium Presentation Winner
    Best DC presentations are voted on by the conference attendees during the conference. 

    “Involving Individuals with Autism in Design of an Immersive Learning Environment”

    • Gunjan Kumari (Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany)
  • Academic Reviewer Awards

    Reviewers provide feedback on submitted papers, suggest improvements, and make a recommendation to the Program Chairs about whether to accept, reject or request changes to the papers. 

    Reviewing is a volunteer activity. It is a time-intensive process, and we are grateful to all our reviewers for contributing to our community. As a small way to recognize them we have implemented this award.

    Nominations are proposed by the Academic Program chairs. The nomination is based on careful consideration of all the reviews based on the following criteria:

    • rigor of review, contribution to improve the paper, contribution to developing the conference.
    • rejection reviews count, if they are grounded, detailing the research weaknesses for rejecting and helping the authors to improve their work.
    • scathing rejection eliminates a nominee.
    • glanced-over acceptances eliminate a nominee.
    • emphasis on form (style, organization) rather than substance (research quality) is not a desirable reviewing focus.

    The winning reviews were chosen by an independent jury panel, which was asked to do a meta-review of the nominated reviews based on the criteria above.

    Independent jury panel members voting for the Best Reviewer

    • Ioannis Doumanis
    • Daphne Economou (University of Westminster, UK)
    • Leonel Morgado (Universidade Aberta, Portugal & INESC TEC, Portugal)
    • Lorenzo Valente


    Best Academic Reviewer Award Winners

    • Chenwi Neba Cyril  (Austin Peay State University, USA)
    • Benedikt Hensen (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)  — [iLRN2023 winner]
  • iLEAD (Immersive Learning Education And Design) Stream Awards

    Eligibility: All presenters who submitted through the iLRN2024 iLEAD Stream, including oral presentations, panels, posters, workshops, and special sessions.

    We were grateful to receive award recommendations from scholars who reviewed all the iLEAD proposals to make their decisions.


    Outstanding Contribution to Pedagogy Award Winners
    Awarded to an iLEAD Stream presenter whose work represents groundbreaking pedagogy or innovative practice in the area of immersive learning.

    "Meeting the Viruses and Making them Visible"

    • Daniel Livingstone (The Glasgow School of Art, UK)
    • Edward Hutchinson (The University of Glasgow, UK)
    • Rachael Suétt (The University of Glasgow / The Glasgow School of Art, UK)

    Innovation in K-12 Education Award Winners
    Awarded to an iLEAD Stream presenter whose work is at the leading edge and likely to change the field in K-12 education. 

    "Conceptualizing and Developing an AR-enriched Workshop for Teaching School Children in a Botanical Garden"

    • Jule Krüger (University of Potsdam, Germany)
    • Steffen Ramm (University of Potsdam, Germany)

    Innovation in Non-Formal Education Award Winners
    Awarded to an iLEAD Stream presenter whose work is at the leading edge and likely to change the field in higher education. 

    “Designing for headset VR from a longer desktop VR learning experience: Watershed Explorers: Industrial History"

    • Alec Bodzin (Lehigh University, USA)
    • Robson Araujo-Junior (Lehigh University, USA)
    • Thomas Hammond (Lehigh University, USA)
    • Zilong Pan (Lehigh University, USA)
    • David Anastasio (Lehigh University, USA)
    • Jonah Burd (Lehigh University, USA)
    • Kavya Jhaveri (Lehigh University, USA)
    • Quan Le (Lehigh University, USA)

    Best Poster Award Winners
    Best poster of the iLEAD stream (contribution; methodology; clarity)

    "Enhancing Computational Thinking through Constructionist Gaming in a Roblox-supported Virtual Makerspace"

    • Gyuri Byun (Dangsu Elementary School, South Korea)
    • Jewoong Moon (The University of Alabama, USA)
    • Chen Sun (The University of Manchester, UK)

    Outstanding Contribution to Workplace & Industry Training (Practitioner) Award Winners

    "Authoring a Personal GPT for Your Research and Practice: How We Created the QUAL-E Immersive Learning Thematic Analysis Helper"

    • Leonel Morgado (Universidade Aberta, Portugal)
    • Dennis Beck (University of Arkansas, USA)

    Best iLRNFuser Paper Winners
    Best game-article submission of the iLRNFuser Game Jam. This award is based on external review of 3 independent reviewers that supported the iLRNFuser competition this year.

    "Enhancing Learning through conversational AI: An Approach to Ocean Conservation and Recycling Education"

    • Vanesa Mendez (University of Westminster, UK)
    • Ines Lobo (University of Westminster, UK)
    • Yoanna Gramatikova (University of Westminster, UK)
    • Fanny Mozes (University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna, Austria)
    • Stefan Krotenthaler (University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna, Austria)
    • Aristidis Protopsaltis (DisruptEd, Germany)
    • Markos Mentzelopoulos (University of Westminster, UK)
    • Kai Erenli (University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna, Austria)
    • Daphne Economou (University of Westminster, UK)
    • Stephen Selwood (University of Westminster, UK)
  • iLRN Conference Committee and Volunteer Awards

    Our conference runs entirely on the volunteering work of exceptional individuals committed to the iLRN's vision.

    Every conference committee member has made invaluable contributions to the event, and we are grateful to all of them. However, we would like to publicly recognize the work of colleagues who have gone above and beyond in their roles.


    Best Local Organization Support Award

    • Lavinia Hirsu (University of Glasgow, UK)
    • Gabriella Rodolico (University of Glasgow, UK)
    • Daniel Livingstone (The Glasgow School of Art, UK)

    Outstanding iLRN2024 Organizing Committee Member

    • Jule Krüger (University of Potsdam, Germany)
    • Daniela Pedrosa (Santarém Polytechnic University and CIDTFF, Portugal)
    • Aliane Krassmann (Instituto Federal Farroupilha, Brazil)
    • Genevieve Smith-Nunes (University of Cambridge, UK) — By Acclamation

    Social Media Maverick Award

    • Tai Le (University of Oregon, USA)
    • Michael Hamaoka (OMAX Corporation, USA)

    Outstanding International Co-Chair Award

    • Stylianos Mystakidis (University of Patras, Greece)

    Outstanding Support for iLRNFuser Organization

    • Markos Mentzelopoulos (University of Westminster, UK)
    • Kai Erenli (University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna, Austria)

    Rookie Member of the Year Award

    • Brighten Jelke (Derivita, USA)

    Herculean Hauler Award

    • Michael Hamaoka (OMAX Corporation, USA)

    Best iLRN Adventure Award

    "DEW (Discovery, Exploration, and Wonder) Framework for Immersive Learning in Engage VR"

    • Amany Alkhayat (Teachers College, Columbia University, USA)
    • Lorelle VanFossen (Educators in VR, USA)
    • Karen Gibson-Hylands (University of Law, UK)
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