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iLRN2024 Proceedings (iLEAD and selected academic contributions) are now available at our Digital Library. Springer proceedings for Academic Full and Short papers will be available in the Fall. ×
  • Doctoral Colloquium (DC)

    Graduate students from across the disciplines are invited to join us at our annual Doctoral Colloquium (DC) which is part of the 11th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN 2025). The Doctoral Colloquium session will take place at the online and/or the in person part of the conference. A decision on this will be made based on the preferences of the participants.

    The scope of the iLRN 2025 DC encompasses all areas of VR/AR/MR (XR) and immersive learning research, with contributions being peer-reviewed scholarly papers of 4 - 7 pages in standard Academic conference paper format, whose lead or sole author is a student. Both doctoral level as well as master’s by research students/candidates are eligible to submit to the DC.

  • Benefits of participation

    The iLRN 2025 DC will provide graduate-level students who are either planning to undertake or currently undertaking VR/AR/MR (XR) and immersive learning research as part of their studies with a platform to:

    • Build their networks by connecting with other scholars both synchronously through online and in person sessions, as well as asynchronously through iLRN’s Discord server and social media groups/channels;
    • Obtain early visibility for their proposed and/or ongoing research;
    • Solicit constructive feedback on their work, with the feedback being provided by graduate students, for graduate students.

    Alternatively, if you’re not ready to present, feel free to join us, meet other students and researchers and get feedback and support from the iLRN community!

  • Submission, Review and Publication

    The Doctoral Colloquium is part of the Academic Stream of the conference.  To apply for the DC, you have to submit a paper through the EasyChair system, following the submission guidelines described in the Call for Papers. In the submission process, you can decide if you want your paper to be published in the iLRN2024 WiP and DC Proceedings. These proceedings are published with DOIs on the iLRN publication website and not indexed). We warmly recommend publication, but it is optional for DC submissions.

    DC submissions go through a double-blind peer review process, in which the following criteria are applied:

    • Contribution to Immersive Learning Research
    • Originality and Innovation
    • Methodological/theoretical rigor
    • Claims/Conclusions
    • Language and academic writing style
    • Anchored in relevant literature
    • Compliance with style/formatting and referencing guidelines

    For examples of DC papers, see the iLRN2023 WiP and DC Proceedings and iLRN2024 Selected Academic Papers Proceedings.

  • Submission instructions

    Please find all submission instructions, including a submission checklist, the correct templates, and a link to EasyChair, on the Call for Papers website:

    Submission Instructions

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