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iLRN2024 Proceedings (iLEAD and selected academic contributions) are now available at our Digital Library. Springer proceedings for Academic Full and Short papers will be available in the Fall. ×
  • iLRN2025 Special Track 1 - Immersive-Latam
    Immersive learning across Latin America: state of research, use cases and projects

  • Special Track Chairs

    • Jorge Bacca-Acosta (Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz, Colombia)
    • Jennifer Samaniego (Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador)
    • Cecilia Avila-Garzon (Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz, Colombia)
  • Description

    Latin America is a region with many developing countries in which the adoption of immersive learning has been restricted by different factors such as connectivity, affordability of technology, lack of training and lack of content. Despite these constraints, some researchers and companies have been developing immersive learning projects that consider the limitations in the region and the possibilities of immersive technologies. This special track is proposed by the Colombia and Ecuador iLRN chapters in an effort to disseminate and give visibility to the projects created in the region. The purpose of this special track is twofold: 1) To showcase the work done by academics, practitioners, industry and other stakeholders in the region in this prominent conference in the field of immersive learning. 2) To foster the collaboration between Latin America and the rest of the world in the field of immersive learning and strengthen of existing collaborations.

    This special track is relevant for the conference because it allows to collect evidence about the current state of research in immersive learning across Latin America and identify opportunities for collaboration and opportunities for further research in the field.

    Contributions for this special track should have been developed in Latin America or tested/evaluated in Latin American countries. Research conducted in collaboration between Latin American countries and other regions in the world is acceptable and welcome.

    Suggested Topics

    • Systematic reviews, scoping reviews, surveys or meta-analysis of immersive learning in Latin America.
    • Design, development and validation of immersive learning projects in Latin America.
    • Discussions about the metaverse in education across Latin America.
    • Co-creation and co-design of immersive learning in Latin America.
    • Empathy-driven immersive experiences in Latin America.
    • Preferred pedagogical approaches for immersive learning in Latin America.
    • Affordances of and limitations to immersive learning in Latin America.
    • Policies around immersive learning in Latin America.
    • Trending technologies and possibilities for certain technologies in Latin America.
    • Research communities and experiences in building communities around immersive learning in Latin America.


    Open for:  Academic Paper Submissions (Full, Short, Extended Abstracts), iLEAD Submissions (Workshops, Tutorials, Round Tables, etc.)

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