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iLRN2024 Proceedings (iLEAD and selected academic contributions) are now available at our Digital Library. Springer proceedings for Academic Full and Short papers will be available in the Fall. ×
  • iLRN2025 Call for Special Track Proposals

    11th Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN2025) Conference
    Theme: "Reading the World: Immersive Learning & Multimodal Literacies"

    In-person (Chicago - Illinois Institute of Technology) Conference Dates: June 15-19, 2025
    Online (hosted by iLRN geographic chapters’ respective time-zones) Conference Dates: June 16-18, 2025

    The Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN)’s 2025 Conference Board invites you to submit proposals to host and conduct one of iLRN’s Special Tracks In-person (Chicago - Illinois Institute of Technology) Conference Dates: June 15-19, 2025 and the Online (hosted by iLRN geographic chapters’ respective time-zones) Conference Dates: June 16-18, 2025. For this 11th annual conference we seek to continue to advance our shared understanding of the full “DNA” necessary to make high quality immersive learning experiences. Your specialized focus and immersive learning-related research may find richer context and deeper meaning within a Special Track! We are interested in discovering, showcasing, and sharing how Immersive Learning experiences are best made and/or applied. Contribute a Special Track to the iLRN2025 experience!

    While we’re always encouraging and accepting iLRN Special Track proposals from researchers, artists, and developers focused on digitally enhanced immersive learning — special to this year, iLRN is announcing a specific interest in research in the realms of  "Reading the World: Immersive Learning & Multimodal Literacies".

    Topics of interest for Special Track proposals may vary widely, but MUST BE CLEARLY DIFFERENT to the Main tracks of the Conference below:

    • Track 1. Foundations of Immersive Learning Research and Theory (not linked to any particular application area). 
    • Track 2. Assessment and Evaluation (A&E) 
    • Track 3. Galleries, Libraries, Archives, & Museums (GLAM) 
    • Track 4. Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Access, & Social Justice (IDEAS) 
    • Track 5. STEM Education 
    • Track 6. Language, Culture, & Heritage (LCH) 
    • Track 7. Medical & Healthcare Education (MHE) 
    • Track 8. Nature & Environmental Sciences (NES) 
    • Track 9. Workforce Development & Industry Training (WDIT) 
    • Track 10. Self and Co-Regulated Learning with Immersive Learning Environments (SCILE)

    Papers submitted to Special Tracks follow the requirements, review process and deadlines of papers submitted to the Conference Main Tracks and are published in the Conference Proceedings as:

    • Full paper (12-15+ pages) for oral presentation
    • Short paper (8–11 pages) for oral presentation
    • Extended Abstracts (4–7 pages) for poster presentation.


    Special Tracks Proposal

    Special Track proposal submissions should contain the following sections in the suggested order and must not exceed 2 pages. The only accepted format is PDF.

    • A concise Special Track title.
    • The names and affiliations of the organizers; typically it should count no more than three co-chairs preferably affiliated with different organizations.
    • Proposed duration of the Special Track (one session (1.5 hours, half or full day).
    • A two-paragraph description of the Special Track topic, themes and relevance.
    • If the Special Track was conducted before, where and when was it conducted?
    • A description of the Special Track format: contributions must focus on sound research. Publications to be submitted and published must follow formats specified in the main conference (long  and short papers). Please also outline, if invited speakers are involved.
    • A tentative Program Committee (PC) list (with indication of whether PC members have already been contacted and/or have expressed interest.) Indented deadlines for distributing the call, contribution submissions and the review process must be outlined. Deadlines for notification of authors for paper submission will be in line with the deadlines outlined in the main conference.
    • It is expected that Special Tracks will be open to all interested registered iLRN Conference parties.

    A short bio of the special track organizers, including a description of their qualifications relative to the topic area, and past experience in organizing/facilitating research meetings.

    The review process of proposal submissions focuses on the expertise of the Special Track chairs as well as the relevance and soundness of the Special Track topic, the quality of the PC members, and the review process for the Special Track itself.


    Tasks for Accepted Special Track

    The Special Track chairs are expected to apply the highest standards to promote, manage and run the Special Track respecting the deadlines and procedure. This includes:

    • Preparing and distributing the call for contributing to the Special Track.
    • Align with the review procedure and submission deadlines of the main conference.
    • Communicating with the authors, Special Track Chairs and Academic Program Chair.
    • Keep the conference organizers (Special Track Chairs and Academic Program Chair) updated on the status on a regular basis.
    • Providing a one page abstract summarizing the Special Track to be published together with the papers of the Special Track. The abstract must follow the style guideline und must include title, name and affiliations of Special Track chairs, background and motivation of the Special Track, and summary of the review process.


    How to submit a proposal?

    Academic communities wishing to propose a special track are invited to:

    • Submit a Special Track Proposal using the at Special Track Proposals for iLRN2025 form no later than August 7, 2024, with a short description, rationale for immersive learning following the above guidelines. Please note that the conference submission deadlines to the special track should be aligned with the deadlines in the general call for papers which is October 1, 2024.
    • Notification of acceptance Special Tracks: August 22, 2025.

    All submitted special track proposals will be reviewed by the General Chairs, the Program Chairs and selected board members following the quality aspects published in the detailed call text. 

    Submit a Special Track Proposal for iLRN2025

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