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iLRN2024 Proceedings (iLEAD and selected academic contributions) are now available at our Digital Library. Springer proceedings for Academic Full and Short papers will be available in the Fall. ×
  • iLRN Circle of Scholars

    The following list of scholars was inducted into the community of scholars on June 4, 2024 at the Immersive Learning Research Network's 10th Annual International Conference (iLRN2024 Online). Names are listed in alphabetical order by last name.

  • Karen Alexander
    Jorge Bacca-Acosta
    Jeremy Bailenson
    Dennis Beck
    Yiyu Cai
    Abraham G. Campbell
    Catherine Anne Cassidy
    Lisa Dawley
    Mikhail Fominykh
    Sara de Freitas
    Maya Georgieva
    Christian Guetl
    Eric Hawkinson
    Amy Kaufman
    Eric Klopfer
    Caitlin Krause
    Jessica Lindl

    Daniel Livingstone
    Paula MacDowell

  • Leonel Morgado
    Susanna Nocchi
    Judith Okonkwo
    Anasol Peña-Rios
    Johanna Pirker
    Jan L. Plass
    Ekaterina Prasolova-F
    Anna Queiroz
    Randall Rode
    Jesse Schell
    Eliane Schlemmer
    Mel Slater
    Erica Southgate
    Kurt Squire
    Romero Tori
    Minjuan Wang
    Fridolin Wild
    Andrea Stevenson Won

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